Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Time Zones (continued)

The time difference continues to play havoc with my sleep patterns, although it's getting slightly better day by day. 

All week I've woken up around 5am and by 6am I find that I can't force myself back to sleep again. Consequently I'm getting really tired by about 8pm every night. I'm managing to stay awake until around 9, but then find myself either falling asleep on the couch or having to go to bed. 

Anyone that knows me will know that I'm not a morning person. Lol! So it's quite unusual for me to be up so early. 

It's not the end of the world though, I just need to find something to do in the mornings to make me feel more productive!


  1. Falling asleep at 8-9 each night??? Sounds like home!

  2. Hahaha! That's when I was going to bed - I am feeling sleepy around 5/6-ish!! :|
