I'm not sure that I'm there just yet, but I'm starting to feel a bit anxious about being at home all the time. Every time I've visited Maine it has always been for about a week. And during the times I've visit (and there have been quite a few) it's always been a quick run around to the usual places. Various stores and supermarkets to buy bits and pieces, souvenirs, fun foods, cheap clothes, random cds or cool things from the comic store. But now I am here long-term. Now I don't need to rush around. This time I'm spending more time indoors at home and just relaxing.
I don't know whether it's the fact I'm not doing much. Or the fact that I don't have a job. Or the fact that I'm away from David. Or maybe it's a combination of all of the above. It just feels weird.
I wake up in the morning and don't really feel like I have to rush to get out of bed. After about half an hour I get up, mostly because I got bored of just laying there and can't go back to sleep. I check out FaceBook and then get myself some breakfast. I'm trying to make breakfast a regular habit now and I'm trying to eat something a little healthier.
The past week I've had a small bowl of granola with a couple of spoonfuls of stewed apple, topped with some almond milk. Add a 1/2 glass of orange juice and presto, breakfast is prepared....
I eat it sitting at the table with my laptop opened, reading through FaceBook and catching up what all my friends back home have been up to. By the time I'm reading it almost everyone at home is either in bed or getting ready for it. I post a few photos or comments and then think about what to do with myself for the day. Again, it feels weird not having a purpose or a set thing to do (i.e. a job!). I know that will come in time, but I'm just not used to having nothing to do like that.
At this point I can hear David saying something like "ha, you always sit at home and do nothing" - well, maybe he wouldn't put it as harshly as that but he'd say something similar. I guess when I would sit at home and relax it would be on my day/s off, and I'd do it to unwind after working hard all week. This feels different - kind of like I have my engine running but it's just idling in the driveway.
I find myself constantly wondering what David is up to. I am still sad about being so far away from him, but during the day it isn't just sadness - it's something more. I find myself wondering what he is doing, what he did yesterday, what he had for dinner, what he's watching on tv - lots of little things. A couple of times it's felt like I have been waiting the whole day just for it to be time for him to wake up so I can talk to him.
The longest we've ever been apart since we started living together is 2 weeks. It's approaching that part now and it makes me feel uncomfortable. We both have separate lives at the moment - and this is by my doing. I made this happen, so I can't exactly complain about it. But at the same time living here is something that I have wanted for as long as I can remember. So I find myself constantly trying to balance my thoughts between missing the man that I love, not having any regrets, fulfilling a dream, blah blah blah ...
If I go back to the part about me feeling uncomfortable I guess it's because the reality is that life goes on. Just like my life is happening here right now, David's life continues back home. I know that it's crazy talk, but I'm just scared that his life is going to keep on going without me in it and that things will change while I'm away. I know I will have my good moments and my bad ones and I think tonight I'm just getting a little too sentimental and overly emotional. I'm also a bit tired which probably doesn't help. I do have faith in our relationship - but I just wish he was closer! Simples.
And now that I'm unloaded a bit of emotional baggage I think it's time I head to bed for some shut eye! Goodnight world, you are a bittersweet mistress!